Epiphany Lutheran Church is an ELCA congregation in historic Mount Vernon in Fairfax County, Virginia. 

We are a welcoming and affirming Christian community that lives with a daring confidence in God’s gracious love for all people.


Come Worship with Us

In Person or Online

Sundays at 9:30 a.m.


This Sunday’s Service

This Sunday, January 5, 2025, is Epiphany Sunday. Our Sunday service will be at the usual time of 9:30 a.m.

On-site: Come join us in the sanctuary for the full service.

On-line: The service will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel and also through our usual Epiphany Zoom connection. To join us on Zoom, just click on this link or follow the instructions below.

The readings are Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; and Matthew 2:1-12.

For those joining the service online, you can download a PDF copy of the bulletin (including music, readings, and prayers) by clicking here.

We will have a time of fellowship following the services, both in person and on Zoom.

Calendar of Events

Wed Jan. 8 - Bible Reading Group resumes, 10:00 a.m. on Zoom
Wed Jan. 8 - VIC Meeting - Resources for the Aging, 11:30 a.m., Heritage Presbyterian Church, 8503 Fort Hunt Road, Alexandria VA 22308
Sun Jan. 12 - Constitution Revision information meeting, 10:30 a.m. (see below)
Sun Jan. 26 - Annual Meeting, 10:30 a.m. (see below)

Annual Meeting and Constitutional Revision

We will be considering revisions to the Constitution of Epiphany Lutheran Church at a congregational meeting on Sunday, January 26, 2025, beginning at 10:30 a.m.  The Council has worked on these revisions for much of the last year, and we hope that the full congregation will approve the new constitution at the 2025 annual meeting on January 26.

The most important proposed change is to lower the minimum quorum for congregational meetings from 20 voting members to 20 voting members or 40% of the total number of voting members, whichever is smaller.  This will reduce the minimum quorum if we have fewer than 50 voting members (as we do now). An electronic version of the proposed amendments can be found in full by clicking here; printed copies are also available to be picked up in church.

The Council has gone through all of these proposed amendments and recommends their approval by the full congregation. To save time at the January 26, 2025 meeting when we will be voting on these amendments, we will go through the changes in detail and answer questions at an informational session on Sunday, January 12, following the 9:30 a.m. service. All are welcome to participate.

In addition to the constitutional revisions, at the annual meeting we will (1) confirm Council membership for the upcoming year; (2) elect two lay members of the congregation as voting members to the Synod Assembly on June 6-7, 2025, where a new bishop of the Metro DC Synod will be elected; and (3) approve the ELC and EWS budgets for 2025, among other business. Since we will be operating under the current constitution, we need 20 voting members for a quorum - so make a point to join us, in person or on Zoom, on January 26.

VIC Meeting - Congregations and Help for the Aging

The first Ventures in Community (VIC) general meeting in 2025 will be "Aging Experts Explore Resources to Help the Elderly Age with Dignity," on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Heritage Presbyterian Church (8503 Fort Hunt Road, Alexandria VA 22308).

Millions worry about growing old and the possibility of having less than the necessary resources to deal with health, housing, transportation and other challenges. Two experts on aging will discuss these difficulties and possible solutions during this next meeting.

Diane Watson, the Mount Vernon area representative on the Fairfax Area Commission on Aging, and Jeannine Purdy of the Fairfax Area Agency on Aging, will take a hard look at the state of government resources to help the low-income elderly overcome difficulties of old age. How faith communities might help solve some of the problems of being unable to afford growing old will also be explored.

All Epiphany members are welcome to participate. Heritage Presbyterian will serve a light lunch.

Metro DC Synod News

All members of synod congregations are invited to a virtual Town Hall with Bishop Leila Ortiz on Thursday, January 30, as she shares her personal insights and experiences in the role of bishop ahead of the upcoming bishop election at the Synod Assembly on June 6–7. This is a unique opportunity for all synod members to hear directly from Bishop Ortiz, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of this important role and the transition process. Hosted by the Bishop Election/Transition Team, this event will be held on Zoom from 7:00 PM–8:30 PM. Please register to attend by clicking here.

Calendar of Commemorations

The ELCA remembers saints and reformers of many Christian traditions on specific days throughout the year. Upcoming commemorations include:

Adrian of Canterbury, teacher, died around 710 (Thu Jan. 9)

African by birth, Adrian (or Hadrian) worked with Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury, in developing the church in England. He was director of a school at which church leaders were trained.

Connection Details

You can join our services or other events on Zoom from anywhere in the world you may be. If you’ve never used Zoom before, you may need to download some software first (it’s free and only takes a minute).

To join, click on this link: https://zoom.us/j/2886238502?pwd=RU9ZZjk1TTdKREd5YmpBN1A2dWlsZz09

or open the Zoom app and use meeting number 288 623 8502 and password 971936;

or (for audio only) call (646) 558-8656 or (301) 715-8592 – When asked for the meeting ID, press 288 623 8502 and then the # key. When asked for the password, press 971 936 and then the # key.

In addition, the service is available on our YouTube channel. If you cannot participate live at 9:30 a.m., the videos will remain available so you can participate at whatever time you can.

United Community

United Community’s “Choice Food Pantry” is located at 7511 Fordson Road and continues to be open Mondays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. For more information about the food pantry, connecting with other available services (including rental and utilities assistance), or for how to volunteer with United Community, visit their web site here.

Food distribution also takes place at the Sacramento Neighborhood Center at 8792 Sacramento Drive #E (same shopping plaza as the former UC thrift store) at 12:00 noon on Fridays.

Connecting With Us

If anyone is sick or in the hospital or otherwise in need, we are ready to help out and to support one another. Please let us know! The easiest way to reach Pastor David quickly is by sending an e-mail to pastor@epiphanylutheran.org.

Financial Support for Epiphany

If you are not able to join us in-person for worship and are able to continue to support Epiphany, we regularly monitor mail deliveries and so you can continue to send checks by mail. In addition, there is a “Donate” button on the web site www.epiphanylutheran.org (just scroll all the way down to the bottom) and you can make a contribution electronically using Paypal or a debit or credit card. We do pay a small service charge for online contributions, but this may be the most convenient option for many.

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