Visiting a church community for the first time can be intimidating. At Epiphany, we warmly welcome visitors. Here’s some information that may help make you feel more comfortable the first time you arrive. 

What if I’ve never belonged to a church?

You are not alone! There are many people who have never belonged to a church. We’ll do our best to give you the information you need to feel comfortable and welcome here. You’re always welcome to have a conversation with the pastor if you have questions about our community.

What if I haven’t been to church for a while?

We’re glad you’re curious now! No one will check your attendance records before you are welcomed in our community.  You are welcome to participate as you feel comfortable. If you have any questions, just ask.

What if I’m not sure what I believe?

We appreciate honesty – and many of us aren’t exactly sure what we believe either. We are faithful people on a journey of faith together, and that means we are often asking questions and learning and growing alongside one another. What we have in common is a belief in God’s love for everybody, which is larger and deeper than any of our understandings.

What are Lutherans, anyway?

Lutherans are Christians who are deeply committed to a life of confidence in God’s grace. Our belief in God’s unconditional grace in Jesus Christ gives us the freedom and courage to wonder, discover, and boldly participate in what God is up to in the world.

We are a church that is deeply rooted in Scripture, Lutheran theology, and the historic Lutheran confessions – and at the same time we are always being made new by the Holy Spirit.

What is your worship service like?

Our Sunday worship service is about an hour long. We gather; listen to God’s Word which is read and interpreted for us today; pray for the needs of the church, our wider community, and the world; come to God’s table for the sacrament of God’s love and grace in bread and wine; and are sent forth to take God’s love into our lives. Our music is mostly traditional and is aimed at being singable so everyone can participate.

Can I receive communion?

Yes! This is God’s table, and all are welcome. All baptized persons are always welcome to participate and receive communion. (And if you haven’t been baptized, please speak with the pastor and we can arrange for baptism when you feel ready.) The Word and the sacraments are given by Christ for everyone; we believe in sharing the gifts we have received, not in being gatekeepers.

Are kids welcome?

Yes! We love to hear the voices of children and babies. People of all ages are welcome and encouraged to participate in this community. There is a time set aside during Sunday worship that is specifically for children. We also support parents in helping them to teach their children about faith.

 What should I wear to worship?

We believe God welcomes all of us, just as we are. On Sundays you’ll see some people dressed up and others more casually. So, wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Is your church accessible?

Yes, the whole building is accessible. There are handicapped parking spaces at the upper end of the parking lot (enter from Patton Boulevard) with wheelchair-friendly access to the church sanctuary. There is also handicapped parking in the main parking lot at the lower end of the church (enter from Old Mill Road) with an accessible entrance to the fellowship hall and preschool on the lower level.