Information About Morning and Evening Prayer Services

Daily morning and evening prayer is posted online each day (morning prayer by 6 a.m. Eastern time and evening prayer by 4 p.m.) and can be participated in whenever and wherever is convenient for you.  Each service lasts no more than 15 minutes.

Each service begins with the common recital of one or more psalms.  We use the schedule of psalms in the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, which arranges the psalms to include all 150 Psalms in either morning or evening prayer over a seven-week cycle.  The psalms are recited in the translation found in our ELCA hymnal, Evangelical Lutheran Worship (2008).

The service then includes a Scripture reading, usually one suggested by the Book of Common Prayer, which provides for the reading of much of the Old and New Testament over a two-year cycle.  Then we have a common recital of a Gospel canticle – the canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1:68-79) at morning prayer and the canticle of Mary (Luke 1:46b-55) at evening prayer.

We conclude with prayers for the needs of the church and the world, a common recital of the Lord’s Prayer, and a final blessing.  In these daily prayers we also incorporate the various commemorations in the ELCA calendar remembering Christian saints and other important figures in Christian history across denominations and nations.

On this page, we invite you to share your prayer requests with the community, your reactions to the psalm and other readings for the day.  Let’s make our morning and evening prayer truly the prayer of our whole extended Epiphany community.